An interview is the key to any new job you are applying for, certainly the word Interview leaves many people in sweat as this interaction of 15-30 minutes would decide the course of anyone’s career. Hence, it is very important to prepare yourself before entering the door of the interviewer. There are few common mistakes that can prevent you from landing your dream job, which we advise you to avoid.
Why do I always get rejected in interviews?
Don’t crib or complain
Every company wants an employee who has a positive approach towards any problem. When asked about your previous organization and boss, do not spill any ill things as it would hinder your image. Rather drive the course of question positively towards your goals and growth as a professional. Even if the work culture and boss of your previous organization were not ideal, it’s better to avoid discussing them. The interviewer might take notes from your description and build your image as per it, which is something to be avoided completely.
Dressing inappropriately for the Interview
You may be a fashionista, but it’s best to be basic and formally dressed for an Interview. As you know first impression is something that defines your personality and you would not like your attire to decide it for you. In any sector formal attires are thumb rule for interview as it reflects your sincerity and willingness to fit into the professional environment. A fresher and even an experienced candidate would not be taken seriously if he/she enters the interview room in Jeans or sneakers, hence it is best to dress in ironed formal clothes and polished shoes.

Being too descriptive or too brief in answering
The answers you provide during an interview help in drawing your aptness for the job. Therefore it is essential that you answer promptly, understand the motive of interviewer behind the question and take your time to frame a meaningful answer. Your answer should cover all the points of question, structure it concisely and it should not be too long or too short. Being too descriptive would make the interviewer lose interest in your answers whereas short or monosyllabic answers would portray you as an introvert or hesitant person. Stay composed and confident while answering all the questions.
Lack of research and Self Analysis
To bag any job opportunity it is very important to make extra efforts before going for any interview. Your lack of research would make you look anxious and underprepared for the position you are applying. The best way to be fully ready for all the tricky questions of the interviewer is to study well about the company and job responsibilities.
Self analysis is as important as research about the company, which many candidates forget. While preparing for the interview, check the list of requirements and skills requisite for the job then effectively contemplate your achievements & how you can prove your competency for the same. Candidates should also find more about the company and the interviewer by using their online presence on LinkedIn, Twitter etc. Try to memorise a few key background facts like their vision, mission, names of people from top management and the latest news about Company’s market. These all things will infer your enthusiasm to work with them and increase your chances of getting shortlisted.
Inadequacy to carry oneself
A research on Interview dynamics indicate that the course of interview and fate of candidate is decided in the initial 2-3 minutes only. Hence it is very important that one pays utmost heed on how he/she is conducting them during the interview. A sharp HR observes every detail about the candidate being interviewed; therefore there are few things you must practice like: Shake hands like a professional, Sit appropriately with straight back & shoulders, avoid using too much hand gestures while answering, look in the eye of the interviewer and follow basic etiquettes. These small things are important part of your personality analysis, so don’t take them lightly.
Unable to create a lasting impression
An interview is not a test where only the interviewer can question and the candidate only has to answer, it can be the other way round also. If you are genuinely interested in the job, then you may ask questions related to you job responsibilities, the work culture and even about the ideology of your reporting senior. Your resume will already be descriptive about your past experiences and skills, but your interactive approach would testify your eagerness to work with that company. Hence it will lead to create a lasting impression on the HR and strengthen your candidature for the position. Post the interview, you can ask politely for a feedback as it would show that you are concerned for his/her opinion and can gracefully take critique.
It is very important to understand that the Recruiter is investing his/her time to find a potential candidate; hence they are not taking interviews to reject but to select the ideal fit. Therefore be confident about yourself, follow the above tips and you’ll sail through any interview. Don’t be nervous as it is not the end of the world just give your best and impress them by being yourself throughout the procedure. wishes you all the best for your upcoming Interview.